Plan of Action
The interregional cooperation plan is implemented within the framework of Priority 4 "Increasing Employment and Territorial Cohesion" of the EP. "FISHERIES AND THE SEA" (EPALTH) 2014-2020 and concerns the cooperation of 22 Local Fisheries Action Groups from respective coastal and island regions of the country with the aim of prioritizing the risks facing the marine environment and related to fishing and coastal areas and the creation of proposals to address them through the cooperation of the project partners.
The purpose of the plan is to fulfilled through its specific objectives, which include:
⦁ Networking – collaboration between research and local bodies to create social dialogue groups related to the issue of threats to fishing and the marine environment.
⦁ The highlighting of the effects of marine pollution and climate change on the social and economic life of the intervention areas of the Fisheries LAGs.
⦁ The promotion of quality employment and the creation of jobs for fishermen and the inhabitants of coastal areas through awareness-activation for the creation of "green professions".
⦁ Encouraging fishermen to convey their experience, knowledge and concerns regarding the threats they themselves face due to the environmental crisis.
⦁ The activation of fishermen to participate in actions to deal with the problems of the marine environment where they are active professionally.
⦁ The strengthening of environmental actions for the protection of the marine environment and the coasts with the active participation of the local community.